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Goral Vodka Master
The perfect production process starts with the selection of the best wheat which is turned into a highest quality ethanol with the special 7 times distillation process. This super fine product is refined by carbo-filtration process which guarantees the smoothness and gentleness in terms of human senses. In this phase ethanol proceeds to tight analytical and sensorial tests that give this product the privilege to create the final unique product – Goral Vodka MASTER. Great attention is also given to water selection for Goral Vodka MASTER– the highest quality of crystal clear water from High Tatras highland streams. Mutual combination of these elements and also the time for harmonization, now the vodka can be used in 7 time microfiltration with the highest quality of natural filters and precious crystals. This filtration process is the most important part it refines and finalizes the production of this unbelievable vodka. The secret of Goral Vodka MASTER lies in the use of high quality winter wheat and precise compliance of prescribed manufacturing process. There is clear evidence, that the first vodka in the world was made of wheat.
Vodka can be distilled in many different ways and from large amount of raw materials. The result is that each brand and each type has its specific taste, smell, taste and leaves a burning sensation in your own language. However, top experts agree that a quality vodka is produced by continuous distillation of pure wheat leaven. The temperature of distillation is so low in order to secure, that resulting product contains only ethyl alcohol ands few other admixtures, which are desirable for other quality spirits.
Water is the essential part of the Vodka Goral MASTER. It is the unique phenomenon – the medium, the bearer of information about the environmental quality, the environment that this water flows through. Our water reflects the strength, purity, freshness of the mountain streams. The water used to dilute the alcohol must be a perfect quality and comply with the highest standards of drinking water according to quality and taste based on the chemical, micro biological compound. In the alcohol industry it is the main compounds and excipient used, drinking water -demineralized – the water of the highest purity, free of any soluble mineral salt, organic or bacterial elements. This water is deprived of the all unacceptable components.This water is controlled numerous times daily and therefore prepared to be used for Goral Vodka MASTER.
Volume: 0,7l / 0,05l